With so many individuals graduating from college every single year, the need for regular jobs is increasing many folds. To meet with your occupational needs in this highly competitive market you need to up your game by undertaking some or the other professional certifications under your name. One of the most recognised and the most demanded professional certifications and qualifications around the world right now, is that of PMP (Project Management Professional). Having a certification in this respect can without any doubt, increase your chances of getting employed by some of the most recognised companies in the IT as well other sectors of the market. For those who have already chosen the Project management industry for themselves, acquiring a PMP certification to their name can help them get ahead in their career without much adieu.
Eligibility for applying for PMP Certification:
With PMP being the most recognised professional certification in the world it also represents itself as the most important certification in the IT industry. On successful completion of the PMP certification exam, one is recognised as a competent, experienced and qualified individual who can put forward brilliant Project management solutions, follow ups and also executions. These qualities in the individual with a PMP certification, ensures the successful outcome of the projects. Opting for the Certification program is not easy. There are a number of eligibility criteria that one has to meet with. Some of the many different eligibility criteria are-
- In case that you want to apply for the PMP certification program, you will need to have a 4 years bachelor’s or equivalent degree from any foreign recognised university.
- A three years of project management experience is a must
- A total of 4500 hours of experience in directing and leading projects is a must, again
- A total of 35 hours of total project management education is a must.
In case that one does not have a bachelor’s or equivalent global degree, one can still opt for the program, if they have five or more years of experience in the project management field. With all these criteria met, one becomes eligible to opt for this program for a brighter and higher paying future.
Benefits of a PMP certification:
Getting certified with the PMP program makes an individual open to a lot of job offers from the top companies from any and all sectors of industry. The main aim here is to appoint individuals who can provide the employing companies with utmost project management solutions. With an individual who has successfully qualified in the PMP Certification exam, he or she has established themselves at the top of their game. This status that is being established by them makes them all the more employable. Hence some of the many benefits extended by the PMP certification program include
- Higher scope for becoming employable in higher posts
- Higher scope for getting promoted, and
- Surety of earning a higher level of income
A lot of other advantages can be enjoyed by PMP certified individuals as compared to the non certified ones. Many Institutes are available PMP Training in Chennai. Choose best institute and clear your certification.